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Fishing Adventures (Grades K-5)

Location: Burroughs Gym
Lead Instructor(s): Pete Hill

Course Description:

Fishing Adventures (Grades K-5)

Burroughs Physical Education Teacher, Mr. Hill has created an after school Fishing Adventure class that are perfect for the child that needs more movement in their lives. The classes include fishing adventures at Lake Harriet and along Minnehaha Creek (no fishing experience necessary). While at our favorite fishing holes, students will learn about: trail, water and fishing safety, proper identification and use of fishing equipment, baiting hooks (not required), removing fish from hooks (not required), casting techniques, presentation of bait and fish identification. We will practice catch and release techniques and use barbless hooks. Students will fish from fishing docks, shoreline wading out into the water (up to their knees). All fishing equipment will be provided; students may bring their own fishing poles if they are in good working condition and they are set-up for panfish and ready to go (small bobbers and no big hooks please). Character building, cooperative skills, individual success, trail and fishing etiquette and trail and fishing safety are all emphasized. Math, reading, health, nutrition and wellness are incorporated into the lessons. Please bring: Note for classroom teacher is required - stating your child is to go directly to the gym after school, jacket, gloves or mittens, hat, shorts, t-shirts, gym shoes, sweat pants/sweat shirts, snack to eat before each session and a water bottle. See course listing for other specific information.

Course Information:

Classes meet in the Burroughs Gym after school to start, classroom teachers will escort your child from the classroom to the gym. Parents must provide classroom teachers a note stating that your child is to go directly to the gym after school. Students should bring their own snack to have before each session. Students that attend Minneapolis Kids and Rec Plus programs are welcome and encouraged to attend, these students will also be escorted to and from the gym. Active Solutions after school classes are open to any student from any school. If weather plays a factor, classes will be held in the gym and alternative activities will be played; classes will not be cancelled or rescheduled. If MPS cancels all district after school classes for any reason; Active Solutions will need to cancel all classes and they will not be rescheduled (Ski & Snowboard Club is the only exception). Students should register for the grade they are attending this school year, 2024-2025. If a child receives regular one on one type services throughout the regular school year, Active Solutions requires the parent to provide similar one on one type services throughout the duration of any Active Solutions camp or class. Parents will be required to schedule and pay for any fees associated with facilitating a service provider for their child. See course listing and course descriptions for other specific after school class information.

*** Very Important *** Please text/call Pat anytime at 612-802-7882 or email Pat at or Pete anytime at 952-212-7290 or email Pete at if your child will not be attending any given session, we want to make sure all of our students are accounted for. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll need to contact each of your phone numbers until we reach you. Please understand, we take your child’s safety very seriously.